ITWeb turns 15, you get the gifts
As ITWeb enters its sweet 16 year, Regasek acknowledges the media landscape is changing and so is the way readers prefer to obtain and consume information.
As of 1 March 2011, South Africa's first IT news Web site is 15-years-old. We want to celebrate with you!
“By any measure, we are blessed to have had 15 very successful years,” says CEO Jovan Regasek. “A reader once said: 'ITWeb keeps the ICT industry together', and I'd like to believe that this simple statement encapsulates our role and our significance.”
Regasek edited a leading computer magazine in Belgrade, but when he came to his daughter's wedding in Johannesburg in 1994, he fell in love with South Africa and decided to stay. He founded ITWeb with little more than his credit card overdraft. The company broke even two years later and has gone from strength to strength ever since.
As ITWeb enters its sweet 16th year, Regasek acknowledges the media landscape is changing, and so is the way readers prefer to obtain and consume information.
“Fifteen years is old age in Internet time, but we feel rejuvenated and inspired as we stand in the centre of massive, disruptive changes that are shaking both the ICT and the media industries,” says Regasek.
“We see these shifts as an exciting opportunity to strengthen and reinvent our services - the way we gather, filter and digest the news and insight and deliver it to our readers through any available media channel they want.”
These channels now include Facebook and Twitter, and ITWeb is shining the spotlight on them with two exciting birthday competitions.
Xhead = Win a Galaxy Tab
For the remainder of its birthday week, ITWeb is running a crossword competition that will take you back through computer history. The readers who solve the puzzle will go into a draw for a Samsung P1000 Galaxy Tab.
Xhead = 15th competition
To celebrate the fact that we are 15, on the 15th of every month of this year we will be hosting a giveaway on Twitter and Facebook. Prizes, sponsored by Duxbury, vary. In February, we gave away a NeoTV 350 HD Media Player.