Brainstorm's 2016 CIO Directory: Industry 4.0 and the CIO
The seventh edition of the annual ITWeb Brainstorm CIO Directory.
The seventh edition of the annual ITWeb Brainstorm CIO Directory profiles over 200 of Africa's key IT decision-makers.
The directory provides a handy guide to the executives responsible for making the technology decisions at South Africa's leading organisations, in both the public and private sectors.
In addition to 216 CIO profiles, this invaluable compendium provides forward-thinking articles around the fourth industrial revolution, or Industry 4.0, where humans and the Internet of things converge.
Alison Job, editor of the directory, says: "Every year we endeavour to bring something fresh to the directory, and this year we've tweaked the format of our profiles slightly, asking CIOs to identify the personality traits that make them successful. The responses were varied, although 'being innovative' and 'acting as a mentor' were common themes."
Ranka Jovanovic, editorial director of the ITWeb Group, says: "We worked in collaboration with Gartner and the CIO Council of South Africa to generate awareness and facilitate access to CIOs."
The Africa section of the CIO Directory has grown substantially. "We've more than doubled the number of CIOs profiled, providing an overview of the state of the CIO life outside our national borders," notes Job.
This well-respected and well-received publication categorises tech decision-makers according to key industry verticals and includes an overview of their organisation, career highlights and how their role has evolved.
CIOs talk about the challenges that they've faced over the past year - and those that they expect to face in the year ahead, with budgetary concerns, security concerns and the fast-changing pace of technology at the forefront of their minds. The challenges around moving to the cloud and aligning legacy solutions with newer technology are recurring trends, as is the evolving role of the CIO from technology leader to digital enabler across the business.
ITWeb Brainstorm's definitive guide to over 200 top CIOs - in a luxury 384-page A5 book format - is from ITWeb's online store:http://www.brainstormmag.co.za/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=134&vmcchk=1&Itemid=134
Price for printed copy: R380 (incl. VAT, excl. delivery)