Four workshops on offer at ITWeb Security Summit 2019
2018 was not a good year for many organisations. A study by Gemalto revealed that in the first half alone, 945 data breaches led to a whopping 4.5 billion data records being compromised worldwide. It seems that barely a day goes past without some company having to notify its customers that their data might have been compromised, and their personal information affected.
And data breaches can happen for a slew of reasons. Some organisations are hacked. Data is often mishandled, malicious insiders sell company data to unauthorised third parties, and vulnerabilities in security systems puts data at risk.
With this in mind, ITWeb Security Summit 2019 will be holding four half-day workshops that cover a wide spectrum of pressing cyber security issues.
The first morning workshop: 'From the boardroom to the war room: managing a successful business-aligned cyber security programme', will be facilitated by Craig Rosewarne, managing director, Wolfpack Information Risk.
It will give attendees practical advice, tools and methodologies for developing and implementing a comprehensive cyber security programme that is aligned with their businesses' overall security strategy and has the buy-in of their senior management team.
The following morning workshop: 'Cisco Threat Response Clinic: Leveraging the network for end-to-end security', will be facilitated by Greg Griessel and Paul Beyleveld, both consulting systems engineers from Cisco.
[SIDEBAR]During this highly practical and interactive workshop, delegates will experience a day in the life of a malware attack and will learn how to respond to it. It will also cover steps that can be taken before a breach to minimise attacks.
The first of the afternoon workshops: 'Find what lurks inside: a quick and dirty dive into event log analysis', will be facilitated by Jason Jordaan, principal forensic analyst, and Veronica Schmitt, lead forensic analyst DFIR Labs.
This workshop will examine system-generated logs, the process of tracking events, the reviewing of security event logs and the use of additional open source logging, all of which will enable attendees to significantly enhance their visibility of illicit or malicious movement in their environments.
The final afternoon workshop: 'Hacker Highschool', will be facilitated by Pete Herzog, MD of the Institute for Security and Open Methodologies (ISECOM) (USA).
During this session, he will review the specific cyber security threats that teenagers are exposed to on a regular basis, and will provide practice advice and tools on how parents, teachers and anyone who is interested can teach cyber security to teens in a fun, interesting and engaging way.
All workshops will run on 27 May at the Focus Rooms, in Sunninghill. Registration for the first two workshops opens at 8am and the workshops will run until 1pm, with intervals for refreshments, with lunch served after. Registration for workshops three and four will open at 1pm, and will run until 5.45pm, also with breaks for refreshments, with lunch served before the workshops.