Brainstorm's 2017 CIO Directory: Digital transformation gathers momentum
The eighth edition of the annual ITWeb Brainstorm CIO Directory, featuring profiles of over 200 of Africa's top ICT decision-makers, is now available.
The directory provides an essential guide to the executives responsible for making the technology decisions at South Africa's leading organisations, in both the public and private sectors.
In addition to 200+ CIO profiles listed, this directory features professional focus articles examining how smart CIOs, and their relationships with the business and the C-suite, are progressing.
Adrian Hinchcliffe, editor of the directory, says: "Every year, we endeavour to bring something fresh to the directory. This year, we've added a section to the profiles asking CIOs to describe how technology is evolving their vertical sector or their organisation.
"The overall picture, painted through the profiles, of the local landscape where technology and business meet keeps evolving. For those interested in understanding what CIOs are dealing with, this is an indispensable guide," says Hinchcliffe.
Ranka Jovanovic, editorial director of the ITWeb Group, says the directory has become an eagerly awaited 'who's who' for SA's ICT industry players. "When we started the directory in 2010, we set out to recognise the achievements of local CIOs and help raise the importance and profile of the role. A long-standing collaboration with Gartner Africa and the CIO Council of South Africa has helped us generate awareness and ensure the participation of the country's top public and private sector CIOs."
The publication is well-respected and well-received, and categorises tech decision-makers according to key industry verticals. It also includes an overview of their organisation, career highlights and how their role is changing as digital transformation gathers momentum.
Some of the challenges CIOs face seem to be ongoing bugbears, such as alignment of IT with business, notes Hinchcliffe. Then there are more specific technology concerns - analytics, the Internet of things, mobility and security. While much of the high-level considerations remain the same as in previous years, there are pockets with more 'on trend' technologies being investigated, such as artificial intelligence and blockchain.
ITWeb Brainstorm's definitive guide to over 200 top CIOs - in a luxury 364-page A5 book format - is available from ITWeb's online store for R380: http://www.brainstormmag.co.za/shopx/cio-directory.