How to prepare for matric exams using past papers
Written by Karabo Keepile
Preparing for your matric exams requires some fore planning and practice. Of all the things you can do to get ready for your final exam, practising matric past papers is the best way to get good results. There are matric papers dating back to 2008 providing enough scenarios for you to go through to prepare. This method will increase your confidence and if repeated often is a sure-fire way of guaranteeing success.
How to prepare for matric finals using past papers
* Visit any Rosebank College campus library in South Africa from 24 June until 30 September 2016. All you need to do is inform the reception desk on campus and request the subject papers you would like to refer to. Students who make use of this service are also able to study in its libraries. It has all the subject papers available. * Set aside three hours to do one paper over the weekend, time yourself and mark your script to see how much you know. * Compare your answers closely to the memo, if you can clearly see where you have gone wrong well done, but if not you need to go through it until you understand. * Repeat this process until you write your final matric paper.
Using matric past papers to prepare cannot be overstated. Doing this allows you to establish which parts of your work you already know and which parts you need to focus on for more understanding. Matric past papers also help you organise your time better to determine how much time to allocate to sections.
Using past papers to study keeps revision focused on important themes while at the same time practicing exam style questions. These are some of the most helpful tools available to prepare for both internal and external examinations as they provide students with practical insight into how the forthcoming exam paper is likely to look and the key themes or subject areas most likely to be covered.
The benefits of studying past exam papers
* Helps you gauge likely exam length. * Establishes number of choices provided. * Shows typical number of questions. * Assists with practice of exam techniques. * Identifies key subject areas to focus on in revision. * Identifies style of exam questions. * Allows you to practice how much time is required for each question. * Helps gauge most likely topics and questions to be asked. * Improves time management.
Practising with past exam papers essentially assists you to finetune your answers. With all these reasons to consider, what are you waiting for, visit Rosebank College to prepare.