Rosebank College committed to offering affordable, quality tertiary education
Written by Karabo Keepile
The high cost of university fees was brought into the spotlight with the #FeesMustFall campaign. While some progress was made in terms of raising funds for select students through crowd funding and other sponsorship opportunities, thousands are still unable to pay for their tertiary education, making the prospects of studying further almost impossible.
Affordable study
According to data collected on household spending levels, only 5% of South African families could comfortably afford to pay university fees for their children.
"Given the historic context of our country, we understand the realities of most South African families and, for that reason, we, as The Independent Institute of Education (The IIE), have made an effort to accommodate these students by offering payment options and study modes to suit their account payer's pocket," says Greg Fillmore, Managing Director of Rosebank College. Rosebank College is an educational brand of The IIE.
Though fee structures can vary from institution to institution, here are some of the common costs for first-year students.
Application fees
Most universities charge a non-refundable application fee ranging from R100 to R300. Rosebank College still remains affordable, charging only R150.
Acceptance fee or deposit
Most tertiary institutions require what you call an "acceptance fee" or "deposit". This can cost R500 to R5 000, depending on your course and institution.
Tuition fees
When you register for the year, you will be expected to pay anything from R2 000 to R60 000 for your tuition fees. In some instances, you are able to pay in instalments. For example, the IIE Higher Certificate of Office Administration offered at Rosebank College can be paid in 10 monthly instalments of R699. The cash fee is R9 990, making it one of the most affordable higher education qualifications. Choosing to study full-time, part-time or through distance learning will also affect how much you pay, giving students the opportunity to choose the best option for them.