Traffic advisory
Deviation of traffic to construct new over/under pass bridges, for the N1 Polokwane Ring Road improvement project.
The South African National Roads Agency (Sanral) would like to notify the public and road users of road closures on the N1 South of Polokwane. Construction of new over and under pass bridge structures will commence shortly. Temporary deviations will be in place to avoid the bridge construction sites.
Hotel Road Underpass (Close to Shell Ultra City on the N1)
A short temporary bypass with bi-directional traffic (1-lane per direction) will be in operation next to the existing N1 at the Weighbridge (not in use at this stage) to construct the Hotel Bridge Overpass. Traffic will flow as normal from North to South but restricted to one-lane per direction (currently two-lanes per direction).
N1 South Bound Overpass (New Par-Clo Interchange at the R37)
Traffic will be diverted from the existing N1 onto the newly constructed Ramp C and D at the N1/R37 intersection. A new intersection with traffic lights will be installed approximately 100m east of the existing traffic signal at the R37/Ramp C/Ramp D intersection. As soon as traffic is diverted onto the newly constructed Ramp C and D, construction of the new N1 south bound overpass will commence. Traffic flow will continue as normal on North and South through the deviation.
The aforementioned deviations will be implemented between the 29th of May and the 2nd of June 2017, and will be in operation for at least 12 months.
Patience and cooperation of motorists will be appreciated.
Sanral apologises for any inconvenience caused and thanks you for your patience during the construction period.
The agency takes its mandate from government to manage and maintain the national road network.
In so doing, the safety and wellbeing of road users and the communities in which it operates are paramount.