Upgraded Mt Edgecombe Interchange
With the summit at 26m, you may feel a little uneasy on your first pass over the fresh asphalt at the Mt Edgecombe Interchange. It's an impressive and thrilling structure.
The multiple engineering achievements behind this mammoth project are testimony to the exceptional skill and abilities of the entire construction team.
The project engaged 80 designers at the peak of the design phase. Not a single road was closed permanently during construction.
The Incrementally Launched Method of bridge building was used, so as to create little disruption to road users.
A defining feature of this project is that it has one of the longest bridge viaducts ever constructed in South Africa. This viaduct, referred to as B0215, has a deck length of 947 metres, which also makes it one of the longest incrementally launched bridges in the southern hemisphere.
This upgrade has forever changed the landscape and will no doubt become a recognisable landmark.
Resident engineer Henk Kaal said although there was a lot of scepticism about the project ever getting completed, motorists are now beginning to smile as they start enjoying the improved flow of traffic.
Kaal said the initial completion timeline for the project was three years. However, it stretched into the fifth year due to several factors, including torrential rainfall, which led to long stoppages on the project.
The project, which started in April 2013, is expected to be substantially complete by June 2018.
Assistant Resident Engineer Thabo Morolo says the project will increase the capacity of the interchange.
The total cost of the project was set at just over R800 million, including VAT, but excluding escalation.
"As we progressed, we had to do certain additional work to improve the project. We anticipate the final figure to be just under R900 million," said Morolo.
Twenty-one SMEs were allocated subcontracting work to an estimated value of just under R60 million.
The site office adjacent to the M41 has played host to over 1 200 visiting students, eager to align themselves with this world-class project that has drawn so much attention.
Budget: R800 million, escalated to just under R900 million SMME allocation: 21 Project specifics: Upgrade from two level to four level interchange Impact on motorists: Reduced travel time expected from 25 minutes to one minute on average Lighting: 400 light bulbs Cable: More than 20 000 metres of copper cable used
Light fantastic
The Mount Edgecombe interchange will resemble a massive cruise ship at night once hundreds of lights spectacularly illuminate the various concrete ramps.
Watch: Video of Mt Edgecombe interchange
Riaaz Goga, project manager for High Voltage Technology, says the electrical reticulation for the interchange includes a distribution substation as well as six mini substations. In total there are 400 light fittings on the interchange and 20 000 metres of cable has been used.
"The lighting system is state-of-the-art. The new LED technology consumes minimum electricity.
"Also, attention has been paid to the positioning of the lights to protect motorists and pedestrians from glare," he said.
The cable installation has been done in such a way that the wiring is concealed from public view using concrete sleeves. This is for the safety of motorists and to reduce the possibility of vandalism or theft.