New section of the R72/3 between Port Alfred and Great Fish River completed
A section of the new road between Port Alfred and the Great Fish River in the Eastern Cape has been completed, the South African National Roads Agency (Sanral) announced today.
The section from Kleinemonde to the Great Fish River was opened to traffic last week and the section from the Riet River to Kleinemonde will open this week.
"Now that this section of the new construction is complete, traffic will be diverted onto completed sections of the road before the December recess. Work on the portion of the old road will then commence in early January next year.
Road users are reminded that although this is a new section of road that was opened, construction will take place in close proximity to the road. In addition to construction speed limits, there will be a solid line painted and no passing signs erected. Road users are encouraged to exercise due care when driving on the new sections."
"There were some delays due to unknown services that had to be relocated. Roadworks and work on the new stormwater system are in progress from Atherstone Street to Gluckman Drive, as well as between Pascoe Avenue and the Marina Entrance and the new sidewalk has started in front of Port Alfred High School. The resurfacing of the new roadway will start in the first quarter of 2018. All open trenches will be made safe before the contractor closes for the December recess and a maintenance team will be on standby to attend to traffic accommodation and other eventualities", Mbulelo Peterson, Sanral Southern Region Manager, said.
"The completed works will include climbing lanes to ease slow moving traffic, an underground storm water system, sidewalks, kerbing, traffic lights and street lights which will be to the benefit of all residents.
Residents of Port Alfred and motorists are requested to please be patient and aware of road signs, speed restrictions and other safety measures while construction takes place in town. Allow for extra travel time, as traffic controls will be in place," he added.
"This upgrade includes the construction of two 3.7m driving lanes, with auxiliary (climbing) lanes, and a surfaced shoulder on both sides of the new road. The new geometric design of the road has made the upgraded road safer for motorists," Peterson concluded.