Flagship project delayed
SANRAL announced today that construction of a national flagship project, the Mtentu bridge of the N2 Wild Coast road project, had to be stopped due to violence.
"The violent protest at the Mtentu River bridge site on the N2 over the last week is completely unacceptable and is condemned," says Louw Kannemeyer, SANRAL Engineering Executive.
Workers and management were threatened with assault rifles, among others. The action by scores of protestors was disruptive, threatening and intimidating.
"At the heart of the dispute is simply that, while locals have been employed, those that weren't felt they should have been. There are only so many jobs per contract, which unfortunately means that not every unemployed person can be accommodated. SANRAL cannot condone hooliganism and aggression as a means of demanding who must be given jobs."
Work on the bridge had to be halted as SANRAL takes the safety of its contractor and labourers very seriously. The work stoppage means a time delay and may be costly.
"Disruptions that stop work on site affects the critical path of the project and delays the completion date of the project. On a project of this magnitude, these disruptions cost the economy several hundred thousand rands per day," says Kannemeyer.
SANRAL called on authorities in the Eastern Cape to address these violent acts.
"We ask the communities to whose benefit the N2 Wild Coast project was developed and is being implemented, to root out the criminal elements in their midst. As SANRAL, we want to work with you to resolve issues, through dialogue. Violence is never an answer."
Work on the bridge will continue when the situation has been brought under control.