Traffic deviation to construct new over/underpass bridges for the N1 Polokwane Eastern ring road
The South African National Roads Agency (Sanral) informs public and road users of road closures on the N1, Eastern ring road of Polokwane. Construction of a new overpass Bridge and a new underpass Bridge will commence shortly. Temporary deviations of the N1 have been built to allow construction of the bridges to proceed.
The deviations will be implemented between 1 - 11 August 2017. The deviations are expected to be in place for 10 to 12 months.
Hotel Road over the N1 near the Shell Ultra City - Schematic 2
A short deviation of the N1 has been built near the Shell Ultra City to allow construction of the Hotel Bridge to proceed. Traffic will be reduced from two lanes per direction to one lane per direction. The north-south bi-directional flow will be separated by traffic delineators and motorists should proceed with care.
Construction of the new Southbound Overpass at the R37 Interchange - Schematic 2
Traffic will be diverted from the existing N1 onto the newly constructed eastern ramps of the future interchange (Ramps C and D in the attached schematic).
Once the traffic has been diverted, this will allow construction of the new N1 southbound bridge over the R37 to proceed. Traffic will continue as normal north and south through the deviation.
The aforementioned deviations will be implemented between 1 August and 11 August 2017.
Sanral apologises for any inconvenience caused and thanks motorists for their patience and co-operation during the construction period.
The agency takes seriously its mandate from government to manage and maintain the national road network.
In so doing, the safety and wellbeing of road users and the communities in which it operates are paramount.