Politics trumps people for DA
For the DA, e-tolling is such an important political football that it tried to kick it into touch - by blaming SANRAL for taking the necessary legal steps forced on the agency by the non-cooperation of the DA-run City of Cape Town.
"In plain language, the DA simply put politics before people," says Vusi Mona, communications manager of the South African National Road Agency (SANRAL).
"Western Cape premier Helen Zille got it completely wrong in her online newsletter when she tried to blame SANRAL. Negotiations between SANRAL and Cape Town regarding the relocation of the community that had illegally occupied SANRAL land go back to 2006. A stage had been reached where land for the relocation had been identified and SANRAL was ready to acquire and donate it to the city.
"It was the DA in the Western Cape which broke off all communication regarding these discussions. In an e-mail from the city to SANRAL dated 31 August 2011, the Office of the Mayor stated:
"'Notwithstanding any previous correspondence, please accept herewith that Council cannot advise, one way or the other, on your proceeding with the acquisition of Erf ST 681-17 for the eventual relocation of occupies of the N2 road reserve (Onverwacht Interchange), until such time as the Intergovernmental Dispute over road-tolling has been resolved.'
"It was therefore the City of Cape Town which conflated two unrelated matters and used the residents of Lwandle as political pawns in its fight against SANRAL's proposed Winelands Toll Project.
"Further, the city gave SANRAL an ultimatum to remove the occupiers or be held legally liable. In a letter addressed to SANRAL's regional manager dated 22 January 2014, the city gave the agency 14 days to evict the residents.
"We will back up all of this with concrete proof this morning (22 July) when we give evidence to the commission of enquiry looking into the eviction of the Lwandle residents," says Mona.
"It is regrettable that politics trumped people in this instance."