Bridge collapse: road to remain closed for two days
UPDATE: The SA National Road Agency (Sanral) confirms that an abandoned pedestrian bridge over the N3 collapsed in the early hours of 9 August. This has resulted in a full closure of the N3 north- and southbound between the M2 Gildenhuys and N3 Gillooly's interchanges.
The Ekurhuleni Metro Police are on site together with Sanral engineers. A forensic investigation to determine the cause of the collapse is under way. The pedestrian bridge was built in 1978 and has been closed off to the public for a number of years.
There were no fatalities. Three people were seriously injured - one person was airlifted and two were transported by ambulance.
Ekurhuleni Metro Police will determine when the road can be reopened. The complete demolition of the bridge is under way as Sanral has managed to get demolition experts on site to dismantle the remainder of the bridge. This may take as long as two days.
Motorists are advised to avoid the area and to use alternative routes.