Progress on upgrading R72/3
Construction work on the upgrading of the Port Alfred town section of the R72/3 is progressing well, the South African National Roads Agency (Sanral) announced today.
The current works inside the town comprise the auxiliary works between Port Alfred High school and Bathurst Street, the relocation of a pumped main sewer line from the Port Alfred town near the Marina, the installation of an underground storm water system and the construction of pedestrian walkways.
"Some delays in the installation of the underground storm water system works were encountered due to unknown services that had to be relocated, however construction should be complete within the next two months," Mbulelo Peterson, Sanral Southern Region Manager said.
"The completed works will include climbing lanes to ease slow moving traffic, an underground storm water system, sidewalks, kerbing, traffic lights and street lights which will be to the benefit of all residents," he added.
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