Mafikeng Campus celebrates women's month in style
Women at the Mafikeng Campus are still in awe after attending the women's month celebration ceremony in the Great Hall, on 12 August 2014. During the ceremony they were overwhelmed with emotions when serenaded by the charming voice of the 2013 idol winner, Musa Sukwene. They were also inspired, motivated and empowered by other women of compassion under the event theme "Flourishing".
Each year the Campus organises such glittering events to honour and celebrate the many phenomenal women for their outstanding commitment to society and in their own personal lives. This year the event was attended by more than one hundred female staff members and students.
Mrs Sara Monamodi gave a keynote address on Women's Health followed by Dr Lebaka-Ketshabile who gave a powerful motivational talk inspiring women to be real and be their authentic self. She emphasised that women should stop competing with each other but to rather start complimenting one another.
In delivering the vote of thanks, Prof Maselesele touched many hearts when she reflected on research she had done on reasons why many remarkable women are still in abusive relationships.
The women were treated on an enjoyable lunch served by male staff members in aprons as a sign that they are respected and honoured.