Scientists from India Tea Research Association visit campus
Two scientists from India Tea Research Association are visiting North-West University Mafikeng Campus from 16 February until 1 March. This visit is part of the International Research Collaboration Project funded by the National Research Foundation (NRF) through Prof Funso Kutu, a staff member in the Faculty of Agriculture, Science and Technology.
The project represents one of the 2014 NRF-approved research projects funded with the Indian/South Africa collaborations research programme. The project is intended to focus on assessing the impact of trace metal contamination through fertiliser application on the quality and production of tea.
"This project will not only provide a platform for the training of postgraduate students but will also allow the participation of interested young academics from my department. A young South African female candidate with a Master's degree in Science qualification has been identified and admitted to register for her PhD on this project," said Prof Kutu.
"The research visit by the two scientists is also for us to assess the current status of the project and to finalise plans for immediate commencements of the project implementation in our different institutions. They will also take time off to interact with colleagues from the School of Agricultural Science by sharing their research experience in the field of Agricultural Chemistry for Tea production,'' concluded Prof Kutu.