Corporate Communication at NWU centralised
Dear member of the media
As part of the restructuring of the North-West University (NWU), Corporate Communication, which includes media enquiries, is now being handled from a central office. Louis Jacobs is heading the department.
To ensure the smooth running of this function, you are kindly requested to direct all media enquiries with regard to any aspect or campus of the NWU to him. Communication officials responsible for media liaison on the respective campuses and at certain faculties, will still issue media releases, and will continue to liaise with the media on various aspects, but this will be done in a more coordinated manner.
Jacobs can be contacted at 018 299 4918, or 082 901 6435, or [email protected]
In his absence these will be dealt with by Johan van Zyl who can be contacted at 018 299 4952, or 084 504 3544, or [email protected]
All media enquiries directly aimed at the vice-chancellor, should still be directed to Professor Johannes Froneman at 018 299 4903, or 083 263 5075, or [email protected]
The NWU prides itself on the excellent relationships which had been established over many years with media across the board, and it would like to build on this, and expand it.