Mafikeng Campus scientist shares expertise at international conferences
Prof Chaundry Masood Khalique from NWU Mafikeng Campus recently shared his expertise when he presented papers at two different conferences.
The first conference was from 27 to 30 May at the Institute for Mathematical Research (INSPEM) of Universiti Putra Malaysia. It was a four-day International Conference and Workshop on Mathematical Analysis (ICWOMA 2014) and the topic was: "The Solution and Conservation Laws Talks two (3+1) Dimensional Non-Integratable V-Type Equations".
The main goal of the conference was to bring together experts and young talented scientists from across the world to discuss and exchange ideas on the modern and recent aspects of the mathematical analysis and the various applications of mathematics in engineering, physics, economics and biology. It also provided an opportunity for young researchers to learn from current researchers in the related fields and encourage international collaboration on modern difficulties of mathematical analysis.
Prof Khalique was elected to form part of the scientific committee and also to chair one of the sessions during the conference.
His second conference was on 2 June at the eighth International Conference on Recent Advances in Applied Dynamical Systems, held in Guilin University of Electronic Technology, Guilin, China Hezhou University.
The title of his presentation was: "Langrangia Formulation of Generalised (2+1) Dimensional Hyperbolic System". The conference was aimed at advancing all aspects of dynamical systems research, including differential equations and bifurcation theory and its application to biology, economics, engineering, chemistry and other non-linear sciences.