NWU astrophysicist selected as a member of ASSAF
Prof Rodney Medupe, an astrophysicist and professor on the North-West University's (NWU's) campus in Mahikeng, was recently selected and inaugurated as a member of the Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf).
He was inaugurated alongside 40 other leading scientists during ASSAf's annual awards ceremony on 11 October 2017.
ASSAf's core function is to honour the country's most outstanding scholars from the full spectrum of disciplines by annually electing them to become members of the Academy.
To be a member of the academy is a great honour, and ASSAf now boasts a total of 542 members. Members are the core asset of the academy and they voluntarily share their time and expertise in service of society.
Prof Medupe is also a researcher at the South African Astronomical Observatory, where he is participating in a programme to encourage black South Africans to take up astronomy. He is also the associate producer of "Cosmic Africa", a feature documentary about traditional African astronomy, released in 2002.
"It's an honour to have been selected to be part of the members of this esteemed organisation," commented Prof Medupe.