NWU assists villagers with invention of reflective livestock spray paint
The spirit of the North-West University (NWU) is reflected in the way the university unlocks the future for people and enables them to make their dreams come true.
It is the NWU's purpose to excel in innovative learning and teaching and cutting-edge research to benefit society.
The NWU's Technology Transfer and Innovation Support (TTIS) Office is proof positive of this. The office, in collaboration with the North West Development Corporation (NWDC), assisted Morebodi Kaotsane of Pudimoe Village in Taung to realise his dream.
Morebodi invented a reflective paint for livestock called Moonshine. The spray makes animals visible at night to motor vehicle drivers, thus avoiding accidents and protecting livestock and motorists alike.
The NWU provided technical support for the development of the product, which included ensuring the spray is not harmful to livestock's hides.
The expertise of a veterinary surgeon and a compounding chemist were insourced to develop a safe and durable Moonshine product.
The office of the Premier and the NWDC officially launched Moonshine reflective spray paint on 17 July 2019 in the communities of Dryharts and Matlapaneng in Taung.
The launch of the product was made possible by the Road Accident Fund, which sponsored the first order of 2 000 cans for distribution in the villages around Taung. It is their vision to introduce the product in other provinces.
"I am grateful that the NWU's TTIS Office and the NWDC assisted me with the technical development of this product, especially ensuring that the spray is not harmful to livestock's hides," says Morebodi.
He hopes other corporate and government sponsors will also take up the product and sponsor villages in target areas.
"We are delighted to have assisted Morebodi with his idea and innovation," says Hannes Malan from the TTIS Office.
"It is our mandate to assist in protecting discoveries that will become products and services. This is done by securing patents, so that a discovery can be licensed and further developed by an existing company or a start-up to produce the new product.
"We also evaluate and exploit all other commercial possibilities available and provide researchers and entrepreneurs with advice, support and needed resources."