Visiting Professor gives insight into the pathology of broiler chickens
The Department of Animal Health at the Mafikeng campus recently hosted a visiting Professor from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the Trakia University, Bulgaria. Prof Ivan Dinev is part of a research collaboration programme on mitigation of mycotoxins between South Africa, Europe and India.
In his presentation he made a review on the incidences of some major pathologies of leg skeleton in broiler chickens and broiler breeders related to poor animal welfare.
Broiler chickens are selected for rapid growth and efficient feed conversion. This accelerated growth is related to a number of health and welfare problems which is mainly related to muscle and skeletal abnormalities. He indicated that the welfare of broiler chickens and breeder flocks continues to be closely related to legs skeletal pathology.
Although some reports established that most abnormalities related to legs in chickens were largely overcome by selection work and improvement of production system by the end of the 20th century the problems still occupy an important position in broiler production.
Prof Dinev has served as a veterinarian, lecturer, diagnostician and consultant in the field of poultry pathology for more than 20 years. He is author of more than 80 scientific pieces of work, a significant part of which are in the fields of pathology, diagnostics and differential diagnostics of poultry pathology. He has participated with official reports in more than 40 national and international congresses, conferences and symposia. As an independent author and co-author he has participated in the writing and publishing of seven monograms.