What graduates should know about the real world
While thousands of students in South Africa have already received their degrees, diplomas and higher certificates, most students around the country are only just entering their graduation season.
Rosebank College Pretoria CBD campus will celebrate over 500 IIE graduates in a graduation ceremony to be held on 21 May 2016 with the last campus graduation taking place on 15 June 2016 at Braamfontein Campus in Johannesburg.
Most students go through tertiary protected from the real world and the influences outside of their school gates. So what should graduates know before starting out their careers?
1. Time Management
Contrary to popular belief, time is not infinite. Once deadlines are missed there is often no turning back. In tertiary, missing an assignment may be excused if you have a relatively good explanation why, but in the real world sometimes all you have is one chance.
2. Show, don't tell
Convincing people through your words, works only for so long, eventually people will need proof that you are what you say you are. Make sure that you show more, rather than tell. After all the proof is in the pudding.
3. Show up!
Being present is really important. Make sure that you are always on time, that you meet your deadlines and that you are fully present and able to take advantage of every opportunity that may come your way.
4. Give your work a routine
Routine requires quite a bit of discipline. Without it nothing is possible. Give yourself time to do things that are important, whether it is your work, networking, exercising or doing chores around the house. Block out time in your schedule and be more organised than you currently are. The rewards will amaze you.
5. Avoid drama
The last thing you need when you join the working world is drama. Make sure that you are authentic and avoid gossip and other kinds of politics. Stay true to your values, these are the anchors that will hold you down when people and agendas change. Be pleasant to people regardless of their position and don't forget to say "Please" and "Thank-you".
6. Compete with yourself
Don't be overly affected by competition that you forget to look at yourself. Be the best you can be and stay in your lane. Remember that there will be many detours and uphill, but focus on the race and less on your competitors. It will all make sense eventually!
7. Create, create, create and discover
Life is much about creating as it is about discovering. Graduates are often concerned with "discovering themselves" but what you are is "Creating yourself." You are allowed to create the you you want to be as well as discovering the you that you are. You will find the truth, somewhere in between.
8. Enjoy the ride
Life is a ride, enjoy it. Take some time to appreciate the scenery, to relax and unwind. You can' take everything to heart, and you don't have to be serious all the time. Don't forget, "Trust the journey, but remember to enjoy the ride."
The IIE's Rosebank College is dedicated to providing students with a solid foundation, creating future thinkers to build successful careers. The IIE's quality, accredited courses have a strong technological focus enabling you to thrive in today's working world.
Study at our Braamfontein, Pretoria CBD, Pretoria Sunnyside Durban or Polokwane campuses and enroll for an IIE degree, diploma or higher certificate. We are a worthy higher education partner for all students who entrust us with their career development. For more information please visit www.rosebankcollege.co.za and www.iie.ac.za.
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