Holiday hacks during a pandemic
The world has changed and so has the way we spend our holidays. It is the season to sit back, relax and reconnect with your loved ones. While it is essential to make time for the people you couldn’t see during the year due to the different shifts caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, it is vital to make time for yourself. We all need to reflect and invest time in self-care and set new goals for the new year. Below are some tips for how you can invest your time during the festive season.
Review your 2021 goals
Look back at your vision board for the year 2021 to see the number of goals you managed to achieve. If you couldn’t make all of them, note the challenges you met along the way and how to get back up in the new year.
Make new goals
It is never too late to have new goals or dreams. Look at your vision board and decide how many you would like to add to the list of the things you want to achieve in the new year.
What lessons did you learn in the past year?
Each task and goal you make for yourself is an opportunity to learn, whether you could achieve them or not. From the ones you were able to achieve, note down the positive lessons you learned. Did you grow to the degree you wanted to in all aspects of your life? If not, look back and note what hindered your growth and how you will tackle the challenges in the new season.
Note your long-term goals
There is always something to look forward to. You may not have it figured out at this point in time. Give yourself time during this period and think of something that you would like to do for yourself or others that will give you something to look forward to in 2022 and beyond.
Celebrate your milestones
Don’t spend a lot of time dwelling on the negative and beating yourself up about what you can’t change. It is time to move on, make new memories and collect accolades in the new year. This year has been tough on everyone; we have all experienced loss in some way, whether financial or emotional. Note all the positive experiences and achievements for the year and thank yourself for thriving and not giving up. You are still standing and are about to dive into another year. You have made it.
We wish you and your family a happy holiday season and a prosperous new year.
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