Moments that make us pause
If you Google moments that are milestones in one's life, you may find events like starting your first job, giving birth, wedding, divorce, death, a disability or a life-threatening illness. For an educational institution like IIE Rosebank College, graduation is one of the most significant milestones.
There are moments on campus that both lecturers and students live for; graduation is one of them. Graduation is a time for staff and lecturers to witness the success of their students. It is a time for parents, siblings and grandparents to see the results of their sacrifices. It is a time to reminisce and remember loved ones we may have lost along the journey that are no longer around to share the celebratory moment.
Graduation is a time to pause, reflect and plan. It can be challenging to know which steps to take after graduation. Fortunately, we have outlined some steps for your consideration below.
Thank your loved ones
Life is short. Use every opportunity to let your loved ones know you are grateful and that you love them. Show them that their sacrifices have not been in vain and that you appreciate their efforts. Tell them you love them every opportunity you get, not just on your graduation day.
Set your career goals
Your qualification is only the beginning. Determine what will make you happy and what is worth spending your time on. Start with your happiness and write down your goals.
Review and clean up your CV
Your CV is your gateway to the workplace. Make sure it reflects your skills, capabilities, qualifications and any other information that may increase your chances of securing a job. Asking for assistance is an essential life skill you will need in the workplace or as an entrepreneur.
Explore internship opportunities
Internships are a great way to start your career while gaining experience to get to your desired job. During your internship, you will learn business skills, experience the world of work and begin growing your network.
Explore entrepreneurship
A qualification does not always have to mean a traditional job. How about you become the employer? The internet has made access to information easy, so use it. Find entrepreneurial opportunities to apply your talents, skills and your qualification and start your venture.
Start your next qualification
You may be in the fortunate position to start another qualification. You can create a new career path or enhance the qualification you already have. Lifelong learning is a necessity for the modern employee or employer. Competition for jobs is rife, and the workplace is dynamic. The candidates that will stand out are the most versatile, have the best attitudes and are the most skilled. Employers are looking for employees who can settle in with the least effort, are open to learning and bring a different perspective to drive their organisations forward.
Get help
Many institutions offer graduate empowerment programmes to assist first-time job seekers in preparing for the world of work. Find your institution's graduate programme, then ask for help and guidance. Looking for a job or finding your feet after completing your studies can be lonely and challenging. Look around you, focus and take advantage of the free resources available to you.
It is not easy to get your first job. However, it is possible with the right attitude and a spirit of never giving up. Some jobs you apply for may not materialise. However, many more doors of opportunity will open as you persevere. Some doors you will need to build yourself or use the window to succeed.
Rosebank College
Rosebank College is an educational brand of The Independent Institute of Education (The IIE). With over 70 years in the education industry, nine campuses nationally and over 20 000 students studying online and full-time, Rosebank College is proving that education is accessible. Students can start with an IIE Higher Certificate and progress to an IIE Diploma or Degree. IIE graduates from Rosebank College have the competitive edge to compete globally with over 12 000 of them placed in employment since 2012.