Rosebank College to open its first Pietermaritzburg Connected Campus in 2018
Rosebank College, an educational brand of The Independent Institute of Education (The IIE) will open its second Connected Campus in 2018. This technology-powered campus will be opened in Pietermaritzburg, a first of its kind in the KwaZulu-Natal province.
"Our Connected Campuses offer a new delivery model that we believe fills a gap and offers easy access to higher education at an affordable fee, and we look forward to bringing it to the Pietermaritzburg region," says Delvin Munsamy, General Manager of Connected Campuses at Rosebank College.
"Currently, students residing in PMB have access problems to our Durban campus with regards to transport costs and accommodation. Opening this Connected Campus allows the PMB student an opportunity to receive the benefit of affordable, quality tertiary education that also offers assistance with graduate employment opportunities as a strong driver," adds Munsamy.
In 2016 Rosebank College opened its first Connected Campus in Polokwane that brought with it a technology-powered learning environment geared at giving IIE graduates a head start in the working environment.
"The technology powered learning environment lends itself to the skillsets required by the 21st century employee," adds Munsamy.
Learners at the Connected Campuses receive a carefully planned blend of both classroom instruction and learning activities on Rosebank College's Learner Management System (Blackboard) that comprises videos, graphics, case studies and scenarios that allow for collaborative and reflective activities.
As with all new ventures, important lessons have been learnt. "This is a mode of delivery that works. We have seen an improved pass rate and student engagement. The flexibility that comes with this model, has confirmed that a blended learning model is anytime, anywhere learning," says Munsamy.
2018 Registration is now open at the Pietermaritzburg campus where IIE degrees, diplomas and higher certificates are on offer.