Young entrepreneurs and life post COVID-19

Issued by Rosebank College
Johannesburg, Aug 14, 2020

Zanele Zulu, an IIE Rosebank College alumni, has a fighting spirit, and her passion for life and getting things done always inspires. She is also an entrepreneur who will have to pick up and move past the COVID-19 pandemic. She shares some insights on how she will take her business forward.

How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected your business?

Pre-COVID-19, I was preparing to share some exciting news regarding the growth of my brand. Due to the pandemic, I have had to put my plans on hold and rethink the way forward. Luckily, winter was not the best time for events – I had the opportunity to realign my strategies to the new norm. Thankfully, I did not have the added stress of paying salaries as I still work alone. The time will come for me to employ others.

It might take a while before life goes back to what we are used to, especially with events. What is your plan going forward to keep your passion alive?

I have used this time to do my research and fuel my fire by reading more and listening to business podcasts. I have also had the time to explore my new venture, Enhle Beauty. Being at home has afforded me the opportunity to find new beauty remedies and hairstyles to create magic for my clients, when the time is right and it is safer to do so.

What advice would you give to an aspiring entrepreneur?

Everyone’s journey is different. Be intentional about your passion and what you want to achieve. Never dismiss your craft and do not compare your step two with someone else’s step 15. Run your own race and take calculated risks. Also know and understand that sometimes you will have to put some plans on hold and, in some cases, come up with a new idea. Innovation and diversification are the order of the day.

Rosebank College

Rosebank College is an educational brand of The Independent Institute of Education (The IIE). With over 70 years in the education industry, nine campuses nationally and over 19 000 students studying online and full-time, Rosebank College is proving that education is accessible. Students can start with an IIE Higher Certificate and progress to an IIE Diploma or Degree. IIE graduates from Rosebank College have the competitive edge to compete on the global stage with over 11 000 of them placed in employment since 2012.

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