Learners spellbound over 3D Technology
By Anne Naidu
The VUT Southern Gauteng Science and Technology Park (SGSTP), in collaboration with the Deutsche Schule Pretoria (DSP) exhibited from 5 to 9 September and at the Deutsche Schule in Johannesburg (DSJ) from 12 to 16 September 2016 respectfully.
The event is endorsed by the Department of Science and Technology, with over 30 leading multinational companies and South African institutions participating in the light of the strong science, technology and innovation partnership between South Africa and Germany.
The VUT SGSTP provided over 1 700 young learners, including partner schools from Mamelodi and Soweto, with the opportunity to familiarize themselves with 3D printing on the Cartesian plane. They experienced science and technology in a hands-on way through experiments, projects and demonstrations giving them the opportunity to learn and experience in unique ways.
The young minds experienced for the first time a real 3D printer bringing creations to life, being able to touch and feel the machines and get a better understanding of how products will be made in the future. The evolution of technology and futuristic advancement also captured the interest of many teachers as they themselves experienced the reality of the state of the art technology and its benefits for the new generation of curious minds. Live demonstrations and close participation with learners and teachers left them spellbound as to the endless possibilities, capability and simplicity of a simple 3D printer.
Dr Joe Molete, Executive Director of the SGSTP, received great feedback from the DSJ Principal for his motivational talks and was asked to come and address the school's assembly again soon. The presentation on Additive Manufacturing by the Operations Manager of the SGSTP, Hendrik van der Merwe; also drew a lot of attention and interest from the learners and teachers alike. This technology will cause them to become more creative and explore opportunities that they previously were not privy to. The SGSTP is looking forward to interacting with a new generation of technology thinkers and find solutions for the future, by the future tank thinkers.