VUT extends a helping hand to needy students
The VUT HR Department has embarked on the project "Your child is my child" to provide sanitary towels to disadvantaged students.
"Disadvantaged female students face great challenges in terms of hygiene and sanitation and these problems are compounded by their inability to afford sanitary towels due to their high price," said Queen Mogamisi, Employee Wellness Specialist.
She said that it had become evident that most of these girls miss classes when it's "that time of the month" and this initiative would help ensure they did not lose out on their studies.
"Matrons at the residences, the clinic and student counselling department will assist in distributing the towels. The project is also set to cater for male students who cannot afford basic necessities such as toothpaste, deodorant and bath soap," said Mogamisi.
The Department has a depository box in Mogamisi's office, situated in AW 103. Staff members and others are urged to deposit as many items as they can. The distribution dates are as follows:
* 12 and 31 May 2107;* 30 June 2017;* 28 July 2017;* 15 and 30 August 2017;* 31 October 2017; and* 30 November 2017.