To be a university that leads in innovative knowledge and quality technology education.
Our mission is to produce employable graduates who can make an impact in society.
Historical Milestone: Since 1966
Vaal University of Technology (VUT) was established as a College for Advanced Technical Education in 1966. It later became Vaal Triangle Technikon in 1979-2003.
The Technikon Act of 1993 empowered the University to provide degree studies and confer Technikon degrees at three levels; namely, Bachelor, Masters and Doctoral.
With the advent of the new higher education landscape in 2004, the institution was granted a status of a University of Technology hence the name Vaal University of Technology (VUT).
VUT celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2016.
VUT has its main campus at Vanderbijlpark, and three sites of delivery at Ekurhuleni, Secunda and Upington. An extension to the Vanderbijlpark campus is fully fledged VUT Southern Gauteng Science and Technology Park located in Sebokeng which houses the southern Gauteng regional Innovation Hub.
VUT has four faculties; namely, Faculties of Applied and Computer Sciences, Management Sciences, Human Sciences, and Engineering and Technology. Each site of delivery offers programmes which are driven by the local demands of each area as extensions of the four faculties.
Head office
Applied and Computer Sciences:
Engineering and Technology:
Human Sciences:
Management Sciences:
For more enquiries, please contact:
016 950 9835
016 950 6750
016 950 6865
016 950 6878
016 950 9924/5
0861 861 888
Delivery Sites
Vanderbijlpark (Main):
016 950 9000
011 929 7400
017 631 1990/1971
054 332 3304
Corporate Affairs Contacts
Executive Director:
Director: Public Relations & Marketing:
Corporate Communications:
Mr Mike Khuboni
016 950 9216
[email protected]
Ms Kediemetse Mokotsi
016 950 9225
[email protected]
Nontobeko Zondi
(016) 950 7688/9949
[email protected]