VUT to confer honorary doctorate on Minister of Environmental Affairs Edna Molewa at Spring graduation ceremony
Many students are gearing towards receiving their milestone achievement at this week's VUT Spring graduation ceremony set to take place from 5-8 September.
The Vaal University of Technology has invited South Africa's Minister of Environmental Affairs Edna Molewa to receive an honorary doctorate.
Minister Molewa will be honoured with a Doctor of Applied Science degree on Tuesday, 6 September.
This is in recognition of the minister's contribution to the field as well as in the field of humanities in general.
The VUT Honorary Degrees Committee has identified three other fellow esteemed guests who are invited to receive honorary degrees. Dr Tim Tebeila, business mogul and CEO of Sekoko Resource, will be honoured with the Doctor's Degree in Business from the faculty of Management Sciences for his contribution in the field of business and entrepreneurship.
Dr Imtiaz Ismail Sooliman, Founder, Director and Chairman of Gift of the Givers, has been recognised for his outstanding contribution in the field of humanities and will receive a Doctorate in Humanities from the faculty of Human Sciences. The Special Award (Medal of Honour) will be received by the Nku family on behalf of the late Christina Makotudi Nku. The university appreciates the contribution Nku has made in the field of education and community development. Nku will be honoured through the faculty of Human Sciences for her outstanding and sustained contribution to the communities of the Vaal and beyond.
Members of council extend their congratulations to all the recipients of the honorary doctorates on their outstanding achievements.
This year's graduation ceremony will see a total of 1 173 people qualify with diplomas, BTechs, MTechs and DTechs. Vaal University of Technology boasts four distinguished faculties. The faculty of Applied Sciences has a total of 323 graduates; Management Sciences with 294; Humanities with 115; and the faculty of Engineering with the largest number, at 441 graduates.
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