A talk on African perspective on 3D printing technology
Sarel Havenga, Idea2Product (I2P) Educational Facilitator and Prototype Specialist at the Vaal University of Technology Southern Gauteng Science and Technology Park (VUTSGSTP): Technology Transfer & Innovation, was invited as a keynote speaker at the Future of Additive Manufacturing Africa Conference, which was hosted online via http://bit.ly/fama-2020 on Thursday, 29 October under the title: "Augmented Educational Systems: Rethinking 3D Printing Technology For a Localised African Perspective".
He was representing the I2P as the southern African representative. He was very proud to represent the SGSTP I2P and VUT on the continent for this conference and believes that this was a very relevant international conference addressing the future of additive manufacturing from an African perspective.
“I was delighted to be invited to discuss the groundbreaking work we are presently doing through the I2P laboratory at the VUTSGSGTP, as well as how we are addressing the emerging barriers to successfully implement 3D printing in the educational sector (both in the FET to HE sectors) in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. The African continent is ready and eager to assimilate emerging technology to develop and incorporate aspects of the fourth industrial revolution, even when burdened down by so many barriers. I am very humbled to have been able to represent the VUT family and be part of developing future solutions to alleviate educational barriers that are African specific,” he said.
Havenga has been involved in additive manufacturing since 2013, when he commenced with 3D printing polymer researching at the Vaal University of Technology.
As stated on their Web site, The Future of Additive Manufacturing in Africa Conference is an annual gathering of various organisations, professionals, enthusiast and students in the 3D printing community across Africa. This conference allowed stakeholders to share experiences, discover new ground and create synergy.
Selina Rapulane