SABPP awards students with bursaries
By Qhawekazi Meman.
Boy-boy Mofokeng and Nwabisa Marwanaqana are proud recipients of the SA Board for People Practices (SABPP) BTech/Honours bursaries for 2017.
The SABPP made two bursaries available for senior Human Resource Management students who are registered as student members of the SABPP, at SABPP accredited universities in South Africa. The purpose of the bursary is to enable top performing, deserving students to pay their tuition fees. The awarding of the bursaries is administered by the Human Resource Universities Forum (HRUF).
Both bursaries were awarded to VUT students and it is expected of them to successfully complete the qualification registered for in the year that the bursary is paid. It is also expected of the bursary holder to participate in the activities of the SABPP and to act at all times as ambassadors of the profession and SABPP in particular.
Dr Pierre Joubert, VUT Senior Lecturer and Master HR Practitioner, expressed his enthusiasm and joy with the awarding of the bursaries. He said that the VUT HR Department is proud of Mofokeng and Marwanaqana and wishes them success throughout their studies.