Vaal University Of Technology Science Park and the Italian connection
The Vaal University of Technology, in collaboration with its fully owned Southern Gauteng Science and Technology Park, is extremely proud to announce the hosting of the Italian business and political leaders' delegation for a tour of the Advanced Manufacturing Precinct, Centres of Excellence and exhibition arena in Sebokeng that will serve as an iconic landmark, on 20 October 2016.
An Entrepreneurial Workshop will also form part of the day's programme. The aim of the Summit is to bolster bilateral business and economic ties between the two countries.
Discussion will include ways to boost the economy of both countries and expand in Sub-Saharan markets, especially in the fields of investment opportunities in the energy, manufacturing and agro-industry. Local business leaders and industry partners will be given the opportunity to find common ground and form partnerships in an attempt to boost trade between the two countries. The VUT Science Park extends an invitation to all its partners to join it in this journey of sustainable economic and technological growth strategies, thus the inclusion of the Science Park that will foster such collaboration between local industry, business and the Southern Gauteng Science and Technology Park.
The European House-Ambrosetti is the international think tank that is responsible for initiating these meetings between the two countries. Italian businesses are looking to pursue investment opportunities to establish manufacturing plants, helping to create employment in South Africa and to form South African business partnerships as trade between the two countries is growing steadily. The VUT Science Park urges its business partners to take full advantage of this opportunity and secure exhibition space or contact the VUT Science Park for further information as space is limited whilst momentum is growing towards the build-up for this prestigious event.
For more information, please feel free to contact Mr Heinrich Van Der Merwe; Operations Manager at the VUT Science Park. His contact details are as follows:
For more information please contact:
VUT Southern Gauteng Science and Technology ParkMrs Anne Naidu Public Relations and Communications PractitionerPhone: 016 930 5063 Mobile: 083 634 0949 E-mail: [email protected]
Mr Heinrich van der Merwe Operations ManagerPhone: 016 930 5012 Mobile: 0713861262.E-mail: [email protected]
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